Flieg Hollander

(May 22, 1946 –)
Frederick J. Hollander, called Flieg or Fred, was an LA fan active in the 1960s and ’70s. He was a member and officer of LASFS, edited several issues of the clubzine De Profundis and belonged to APA-L and ValAPA. He attended local cons and Worldcons.
His nickname, from Der Fliegende Hollander (“The Flying Dutchman”), was bestowed by Bruce Pelz as an indirect result of a motorcycle mishap. Fred was a frosh (freshman) at Cal Tech, and he had brought his motor scooter, named Babieca with him. He and Barry Gold were roommates at Tech and started attending LASFS meetings in November, 1964. Some months later, Fred was riding Babieca in what is now West Hollywood. He was crossing Santa Monica Blvd. and failed to notice the streetcar tracks in the dim nighttime lighting. Babieca "stubbed its toe" (Flieg's description), and Fred went over the handlebars and broke a bone in his foot.
After having the broken bone set and a cast put on the foot, he was required to use crutches for getting around. He became quite adept at using these. A couple of weeks later, Bruce Pelz saw him "flying down the corridors" on his crutches and promptly nicknamed him "Flieg." The name stuck and he continued to use it for fannish purposes.
Flieg later moved to the BArea and became active in the SCA. He was twice crowned king of the SCA's Kingdom of the West, thereby earning the permanent title of "Duke."[1] By 1973, he had moved to Iowa City, IA. In September 1974 he took a job at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.[2]
His brothers, Robert, James, Bill and Pat, were all members of LASFS, too.
- 1966 photo in the LASFS Album.
- De Profundis [1966] (some issues)
- Hippocampelephantocamelos
- Rump L stiltskin [1966] (for Rump APA L)
Person | 1946— |
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