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A small fanzine-oriented convention in Las Vegas.

The details are not quite clear. The name seems related to Toner Hall, the Vegas slan shack of Joyce Katz and Arnie Katz. Toner 2 was originally announced in 1998 for "the first weekend in November 1999" (Thyme 124).

Con Dates Location -Notes
Toner (1996) August (Fri–Mon) 23–26, 1996 Four Queens Hotel (downtown Vegas) Weekend before L.A.con III (like Bubonicon 28), flights from the East Coast actually cheaper with stopover. Run by Tom Springer, with Linda Bushyager? $20.[1] Attended and mentioned by Martin Tudor in Have Bag, Will Travel and Geri Sullivan in Idea 10.
Toner 2 Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2014 Las Vegas GoH Joyce Katz
  1. See announcement on Usenet, which soon devolved into a flamewar between traditional-minded fanzine fans and so-called "online fans".

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