STF-fans Clipping Service

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The STF-fans Clipping Service was created by UK fan Derek Pickles with Phil Rasch as US representative around 1950. Pickles explained its purpose in Science Fantasy News #5 (Summer 1950):

Here is a new service designed by, and for, fans. Send to us for details and terms of the following unique aid to all those interested in science-fantasy.

We are prepared to collect and mail to subscribers all clippings from any English Daily and Weekly newspaper and magazine under the following classifications:-

(1) Ghost and psychic phenomena reports (a) Past & (b) Present.
(2) Science Notes (a) Interplanetary, (b) Moon Rocket, (c) Astronomy, (d) Nuclear Fission (e) Biology (Mutations)
(3) Book Reviews – Fantasy and STF only.
(4) Film Reviews – Fantasy and STF only.
(5) Articles on Fantasy Authors (Centenary, Current, etc. )

(N.B. This list is liable to extension and/or revision at the discretion of the Organiser.)

The service was also advertised in The National Fantasy Fan (August 1950) and Operation Fantast v2#6 (September 1950).

It seemingly only lasted until 1951 when, per The National Fantasy Fan (June 1951) it was absorbed into a more general 'Fan Service' operated by Fred Robinson.

Its legacy can be seen to an extent in Pickles's 1990s Odds & Sods.

Publishing 19501951