Jack Darlington

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Jack Darlington was a UK fan from Yorkshire active in the 1950s. He was chairman of the Leeds Science Fiction Association and attended the Supermancon in 1954

Darlington worked with Jack Smillie at a Leeds steelworks. They formed a group called the Leeds Science Fiction Association in late 1952 or early 1953, unaware of the 1930s incarnation with the same name. They contacted Derek Pickles in Bradford who in passed on their details to J. Michael Rosenblum.

The group initially met at an attic room of the Adelphi Hotel on Leeds Bridge. In 1954, after Darlington and Smillie had made painted and decorated the room, the landlord saw the potential of the place and evicted them. Thereafter the group met in the offices of Rosenblum's business.

The group continued until the end of the 1950s. It's unclear if Darlington remained active throughout this time but a possible clue that he didn't is that he appears in fellow group member Ron Bennett's Directory of Science Fiction Fandom for 1955 but not thereafter.

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