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As the articles below, from Fancy 1 and Fancy 2, note, the bibliographic impulse in fandom runs deep, and bibliographies of fanzines and prozines go back to its earliest days.

Closely related to bibliography is the creation of an Index or Checklist, terms often preferred by fans. Having an index is what turns hoarding into collecting.

These publications listing all the issues of a prozine or fanzine, or all of the works of a writer are used by completists to gauge the success of their collecting and to plot future acquisitions.

Entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Part of completism is the desire to have a complete list of all fantasy that has ever been produced in any form, despite the extreme difficulty of defining fantasy exactly. Much valuable spadework has been done, in listings of fantasy stories in mundane magazines, fantasy in the films, scientificomics, indexes to the proz, etc, but none of these has been complete even in its own restricted field, and the master project remains for the future. Worth noticing here are the Swisher-Evans-Pavlat fanzine checklist; Evans' work with the Munsey files; the checklists and indexes of Don Day and Everett Bleiler; and some work on the off-base fringes of the pulp field by Bill Austin. The task of compiling fantasy books alone is such a big job that proposals have been made to make it a cooperative enterprise of all interested bibliophiles in fandom. Tony Boucher in July 1944 called for a centralization of fantasy bibliographic work, to be run by a chief bibliographer "who would live surrounded by card-indexes". Other fans would specialize and submit their stuff to the central office, and the product would eventually be published as The Great Bibliography.
From Fancyclopedia 2 Supplement, ca. 1960
The Richardson Indexes were by Darrell C. Richardson, and were given out thru N3F about 1950. It was Bob Peterson from Denver who produced the Weird Tales Index.

The entry in Fancy 1 was under Bibliografies, an example of the Simplifyd Spelng fandom so loved at the time.

From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
Bibliografies – Part of completism is the desire to have a complete list of all fantasy that has ever been produced in any form, despite the extreme difficulty of defining fantasy exactly. Much valuable spadework has been done, in listing of fantasy stories in mundane magazines, fantafilms, scientificomics, books, indexes to the pros, &c, but none of these has been complete even in its own restricted field, and the master project remains for the future.

The task of compiling fantasy books alone is such a big job that proposals have been made to make it a cooperative enterprise of all interested bibliophiles in fandom.

Bibliography Topic Dates -Source
Science-Fiction: The Early Years SF stories before 1930 (published 1990) Everett F. Bleiler
Science Fiction Bibliography fanzines 1935 D. R. Welch
British Science-Fiction Bibliography British SF 1937 Douglas W. F. Mayer
S. F. Checklist fanzines early 40s R. D. Swisher and F. N. Swisher
A Checklist of Fantasy Magazines prozines early 40s Forrest J Ackerman
An Index to Unknown and Unknown Worlds 1942 Stuart Hoffman
Fanzine Yearbook 1941–46 Bob Tucker, et al
Unknown Index Unknown magazine 1946 Jack Riggs and Louis C. Smith
An Index of the Works of Various Fantasy Authors through 1947 Darrell C. Richardson
The Volume Index of Fantasy Magazines prozines through 1948 John C. Nitka
Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950 1926–50 (published 1952) Donald B. Day
An Index on the Weird Fantastica in Magazines 1953 Bradford M. Day
Fantasy Classification System subject coding for SF 1952 Alastair Cameron
Evans-Pavlat Fanzine Index fanzines through 1952 Bill Evans and Bob Pavlat
Index to British Science Fiction Magazines, 1934-53 1934–53 Graham Stone
The Guide to Supernatural Fiction 1750–1960 E. F. Bleiler
Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1961 1961 Al Lewis
The Complete Checklist of Science-Fiction Magazines 1961 Bradford M. Day
Australian Science Fiction Index, 1939-1962 1939–62 Graham Stone
Checklist of Science Fiction Anthologies fiction anthologies 1926–64 Walter Cole
Science Fiction Title Changes 1965 Michael Viggiano and Donald Franson
The Index of Science Fiction Magazines 1951-1965 prozines 1951–65 Norman C. Metcalf
MITSFS Index prozines 1951–65 Erwin S. Strauss
Australian Science Fiction Index, 1925—1967 1925–67 Graham Stone
An Annotated Checklist of Science Fiction Bibliographical Works 1969 Fred Lerner
An Ace Letter-Series Notebook All Ace letter-series singles and doubles 1950s and 60s Harold R. Peters
SF Published in 19xx listing of books published 1960s and 70s Joanne Burger
New SF Published in Britain 19xx listing of books published Gerald Bishop
Science Fiction Collections Index contents listing of single author collections –1970 Len Collins and Art Hayes
Science Fiction Book Review Index 1970– Hal W. Hall
Science Fiction and Fantasy Pseudonyms through 1970 Barry McGhan
NESFA Index prozines and original anthologies 1965–2003 NESFA
The New SF Bulletin: SF Books 1974 listing of books published 1974 Drew Whyte
Speculative Literature Bibliography 1974 Roger Sween
A Directory of SF&F Publishing Houses and Book Dealers 1974 Marshall B. Tymm
Australian Science Fiction Index: Supplement 1968/1975 1968–75 Graham Stone
Anne McCaffrey: A "Dragondex" and Bibliography through 1975 Wendy Glasser and Drew Whyte
The Electric Bibliograph single-author bibliographies ending in 1970s Mark Owings
The Collector's Poul Anderson 1976 David Stever and Drew Whyte
The Complete Index to Astounding 1930–79 Mike Ashley and Terry Jeeves
Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections 1977-1983 1977–83 William Contento
A John Schoenherr SF Checklist list of all Schoenherr genre illustrations through 1977 David Stever and Jerry Boyajian
The Collector's Index to Weird Tales index to the magazine through 1983 Sheldon Jaffery & Fred Cook
Twaci Index prozines and original anthologies 1981–85 Jerry Boyajian and Ken Johnson
Who's Hugh? Index of pseudonyms through 1987 Roger Robinson
Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index -- 1878-1985 1878–1985 (published 1987) Hal W. Hall
Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index: 1985-1991 1985–91 (published 1993) Hal W. Hall
The Right Stuff Children's and YA SF late 1990s Gloria Nugent Edwards
Whole Science Fiction Index all fiction including novels (published in installments in the 90s) Kurt Baty
Science Fiction Pornography Index SF Porn through 2008 Ken Johnson
Australian Science Fiction Bibliography, 1948 - 1999 Australian fiction 1948–99 (published 2004, revised 2009,2010) Graham Stone
Internet Speculative Fiction Database pretty much everything (ongoing) Al von Ruff and Ahasuerus
Galactic Central single-author bibliographies (ongoing) Phil Stephenson-Payne and Gordon Benson
