
From Fancyclopedia 3
Incon (OH) / (Redirected from Hoagie Award)
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Sandy and Roger Reynolds held this tiny relaxacon in various Ohio locales during the 1980s. The actual name of the con was different each year, but always beginning with "Incon," e.g. Inconvenient, Inconspicuous, Inconsiderate.

The Hoagie Award was presented there. The original awards consisted of a shellacked, mounted hoagie roll, but after one recipient’s trophy was destroyed by rodents, Roger moved to a more traditional plaque.

No. Name Date Location -GoHs, Notes
1 Inconspicuous 1982 Larry Tucker. Toastmaster Leah Zeldes brought home-baked breads and a toaster oven.
2 March 1983 Sandusky, OH Sheraton Howard DeVore pubbed The Craters of the Moon for this, so perhaps he was goh?
3 Inconclusive .55555 March 9-11, 1984 Sandusky, OH Sheraton Wilson Tucker, Ben Zuhl

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