Geoff Lindsay

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Geoff Lindsay was the pseudonym used by a columnist for Cry. His 'London Letter' appeared first in #146 (January 1961) with further installments appearing in #148 (March 1961), #150 (May 1961) and #152 (July 1961).

In reviewing Cry in Haverings #5 (August 1961), Ethel Lindsay said of the first 'London Letter' that she found it:

hard to review this as the writer is more busy with hiding his identity than getting out news. Frankly I think this gag of a phoney name has been done to death.

In Haverings #8 (November 1961) reviewing the column in #152:

The Geoff Lindsay London letter this time is devoted to a character study of Ella Parker: as Ella knows who lurks under this name, this proves him a pretty courageous guy.

Mike Deckinger said in a letter to #149:

Geoff Lindsay's true identity is obviously that of Cecil Pachyderm, Bennett's mascot. And I defy the elephant to deny this.

In the same issue Jim Groves said:

I did think at first that this might be our old friend George Locke in a new cunning disguise. Thisun rather clobbers that idea, unless the first one was George and this someone else. Ella Parker mayhap? It is rather suspicious that 'Geoff' doesn't mention Ella among the London 'giants', very suspicious indeed.

Elinor Busby said in #154

Ella agreed to do an article on Geoff Lindsay for Cry, and stencil it herself. But pre-Con time got away from us, and so did Ella. – On second thought, perhaps she didn't agree to do the article; perhaps we suggested it and she gave us an enigmatic look. 

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