Fan Dance

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Fan Dance was a fanzine published by C. S. Youd (John Christopher) in the UK, its first issue bound with Futurian War Digest and its second distributed alongside it.

In its first issue, Youd explained:

I am moved to rejoin the Fido family by two inter-connected events. In the first place I am  free from the permanent guilt of knowing that I really should be getting down to Fantast. Fantast is now the province of Douglas Webster, who can be relied upon for conscientious discharge of editorial duties. The second event was the regrettable demise of The Gentlest Art, which had provided so many of us with intellectual refreshment during winter and spring, and had made the appearance of Fido more genuinely anticipated than any fan magazine in the past. Fan Dance would like – as far as is possible – to take the place of the Gent.
Issue Date Pages FWD Mailing Notes
1 August 1941 6 11
2 October 1941 2 13 Final issue

Publication 19411941
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