E/c2 ConFusion
E/c2 ConFusion
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Nancy Tucker in costume at E/c2 ConFusion.
The 1979 ConFusion, named E/c2 ConFusion, aka Mass Confusion, was held January 20–21, 1979, at the West Bank Holiday Inn in Ann Arbor, MI. The GoHs were Spider & Jeanne Robinson, Scott Imes. The toastmaster was Ro Lutz-Nagey and it was chaired by Dave Innes and Larry Tucker.
The hotel’s unheated hallways caused the Cuddle Squad to be employed.
This was the ConFusion for which Nancy Tucker dressed for the masquerade as one of the newly resurrected Riverworld denizens of Philip José Farmer’s To Your Scattered Bodies Go and, for authenticity, shaved her head.
Photos at fanac.org.
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1979 |
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