Burroughs Bulletin

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A fanzine published by Vernell Coriell since 1947. When the Burroughs Bibliophiles were organized in 1960, the Bulletin became its Official Organ. Sam Moskowitz described the Bulletin as "a magazine of exuberant scholarship".

After Vern’s 1987 death, it was revived in 1990 by George McWhorter, curator of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection at the University of Louisville. McWhorter turned what started out as a simple mimeographed fanzine has become a glossy, professionally produced quarterly journal with an online presence.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
4 1947
5 1947
6 1947
12 1956
13 1962 ed. Marguerite Coriell
15 1964 ed. Marguerite Coriell
22 Summer 1971
87 Summer 2011

Complete Index

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