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The Bulletin of the NFFF (Bonfire) was the original Official Organ of the N3F. The name derives from the initialism of the full title to "BNFFF." The first issue followed the club's formation in June 1941. It was confined almost exclusively to official reports. The publication was renamed, The National Fantasy Fan (TNFF) in 1945 by Jack Speer.

An illustrated article by Jon D. Swartz on the first issue of Bonfire (June, 1941) was published in The National Fantasy Fan for March, 2011 (Vol. 70, No. 1)


In the December, 1943 issue, the first issue in just over a year, acting president Al Ashley "explained how the work of the club had come "to a grinding halt" in the summer of 1942, partly because of disagreements over the club's constitution". This may refer to issues of handling the number of NFF positions that were held by male members who were serving abroad.

Individual issues:

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 June 1941 14 ed. Harry Warner, Jr. & Art Widner. "Contents include a proposed constitution, the idea behind [the NFF], [... and] a ballot form for the first election."
2 November 1941 ed. Bob Studley
3 December 1941 14 ed. Art Widner
4 February 1942 12 ed. Harry Warner, Jr.
5 April 1942 6 Includes a 2 page NFF membership roster. Ed. Harry Warner, Jr.
6 1942 ed. Harry Warner, Jr.
V2.1 June 1942 8 ed. E. E. Evans
V2.2 November 1942 4 Titled "Bonflare".
V2.3 December 1943 8
V3.1 May 1944 6 Whole number 10.
V3.2 June 1944 10 ed. E. E. Evans & Walter Dunkelbrger
V3.3 July 1944 4 ed. E. E. Evans
V3.4 1944
V3.5 1944
V3.6 November 1944 6 The first paragraph recommends, with effusive praise, that the reader get a copy of "Fancyclopedia" (1st edition).
V3.7 December 1944 6
V3.8 December 1944 14 Whole #17. Last issue under this title. Becomes "National Fantasy Fan"

Bonfire online at

Publication Website 19411944
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