From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 2 -Julius Unger dies.
January 5 Baltimore Science Fiction Society founded.
Easter Bullcon, first Doc Weir Award given out.
June 23 Frank R. Paul dies.
July First DeepSouthCon.
Labor Day Discon (Worldcon).
October First issue of Peter Weston's Zenith.
November 22 U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated.
November 29 Ray Van Houten dies.
The Great Breen Boondoggle published.
Wally Weber TAFF trip.
Cambridge University SF Society forms.
Cheltenham Circle dissolves.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:




Publications started or ended:

A Doddering ReportAd AstraAlgolAlienAmazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer StoriesAnglofanacBixeltypeChaosChecklist of SF AdventuresCinema, Comics and CollectingCompactCuriosity ShoppeDafoeDark StarDetroit IronDiscon 1 ReportEldritch Dream QuestEn-ClaveEnfocadoFANACFantasy Fiction FieldFantasy NewsFarragoFrapFringeGammaGardylooGem TonesGoojie PublicationsGormlessGristGruntGyreHauntedHonneur Soit Qui Mal Y PenseIcarusIdiotic GeniusIn Part Scal'dJargonJelerangKim ChiLefnuiLightMaelstromMagazine of HorrorMein Omp-FMinacNights of SnogNorthlightOur Fan in ChicagoOutpostOutrePhlotsamPlain PsychoPoint of ViewQuarkRADIOHEROScience Fiction AdventuresScience Fiction ReviewScience Fiction YearbookScribbleShadowfaxSmokeSpeculationSqueakTAFF Progress ReportTension, Apprehension & DissensionTensorThe Alexandria TrioThe Golden HarpThe Great Breen BoondoggleThe Huckleberry FinnzineThe InvaderThe Lindsay ReportThe LovecraftsmanThe Original Science Fiction StoriesThe Reader's Guide to Barsoom and AmtorThe ScarrThe Trans-Atlantic Fan FundToxiconVorpal GlassWarlockWatling StreetWestercon or Bust!WithinWorlds of TomorrowXeroYonder


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



1963 Open ESFAAd AstraAlgolAmazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer StoriesBaltimore SF ForumBaltimore Science Fiction SocietyBixeltypeBruce SchneierBurton CraneCat RamboChrista SinclairCinema, Comics and CollectingConvention Annual No. 3Curiosity ShoppeDC in 1963DafoeDaphne Eftychia ArthurDark StarDave FoleyDavid B. CoeDebbie BakerDeepSouthConDeepSouthCon 1Detroit IronDisconDiscon 1 ReportDave Kyle's Discon I ReminiscenceDorcas BagbyEn-ClaveExclusion ActFan Awards PollFantasy Fiction FieldFantasy NewsFarragoFirst Fandom Hall of FameFrank R. PaulFrapGammaGardylooGem TonesGlenn GlazerGoojie PublicationsGristGruntGyreHauntedHonneur Soit Qui Mal Y PenseIn Part Scal'dJ. Gregory KeyesJargonJelerangJohn PomeranzJohn RingoJudi CastroJulius UngerKim ChiLaurell K. HamiltonLefnuiLunacon 7MSU Fantasy & Science Fiction SocietyMaelstromMagazine of HorrorMargaret TrebingMark CliftonMatt LegerMichael ChabonMinacOscar J. FriendOur Fan in ChicagoOutrePhilcon 1963PhlotsamQuarkRADIOHERORay Van HoutenScience Fiction AdventuresScience Fiction ReviewScience Fiction YearbookShadowfaxTAFF Progress ReportThe Alexandria TrioThe Golden HarpThe Great Breen BoondoggleThe Huckleberry FinnzineThe InvaderThe LabyrinthThe LovecraftsmanThe Original Science Fiction StoriesThe Proceedings Chicon IIIThe Reader's Guide to Barsoom and AmtorThe Trans-Atlantic Fan FundThomas S. GardnerToxiconTrinlay KhadroUniversity of Chicago Science Fiction ClubVictor J. RaymondVorpal GlassWarlockWatling StreetWen SpencerWestercon 16Westercon or Bust!WilconWithinWorlds of TomorrowXeroYonder


Rest of the World:

1962 | 1963 | 1964