When we aren't sure of a date, use this broad term, and hope to pin it down better later.
Publications started or ended:
ATom Abroad - Ballard Chronicles - Crifanac - Dagon - Degler - F - Forerunner - Free Radical - Giornale del Proxima - Heckmeck - Osfan - Procrastination - Renaissance - Ruritania - Science Fiction Times - TANSTAAFL
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Albuquerque SF Society - Beaker People Libation Front - Coventry - Delta SF Film Group - Faculty of Technology SF Society - Fanvets - Herts. Science Fiction and Fantasy Group - Hydra League - ISFS - Kinkay Fandom - Mercurian Club - Misfits - Neo-Numenor - North East Science Fiction Society - Peoria High School Science Fiction Club - Psi Phi - Sheffield University Union SF&F Association - Swordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America - The Fellowship of the Ring - The Pinckard Salon - Twin Cities Fantasy Society - University of British Columbia Science Fiction Society - WDVF
Albuquerque SF Society - Ballard Chronicles - Beaker People Libation Front - Bronze Hammer Award - Cosmic Wind Enterprises - Coventry - Crifanac - Dagon - F - Fanvets - Free Radical - Great Wall of China Science Fiction, Marching & Chop Suey Society - Heroic Fantasy Art Award - Mercurian Club - Midwest Apa - Misfits - NYAPA - Neo-Numenor - Osfan - Peoria High School Science Fiction Club - Procrastination - Psi Phi - Renaissance - Ruritania - Shadow - Stephen's Book Service - Swordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America - TANSTAAFL - The Emperor of America - The Fellowship of the Ring - The Pinckard Salon - Twin Cities Fantasy Society - ValAPA
1950s | 1960s | 1970s |