February 14-16 | First Potlatch held |
March 6-8 | First Consonance held |
March 13-15 | First Crackercon held |
Easter | Illumination |
April 6 | Isaac Asimov dies |
May 22-24 | First DucKon held |
July 24-26 | Last OKon held |
September 3-7 (Labor Day) | MagiCon (Worldcon) |
Jeanne Bowman TAFF trip | |
CUFF: Linda Ross-Mansfield | |
DUFF: Roger Weddall (North) | |
FFANZ: Rex Thompson (West) | |
GUFF: Eva Hauser (South) |
Births and Deaths:
Alan E. Nourse - Allen Class - Angela Carter - Desmond Hall - Dwight V. Swain - Eric Bentcliffe - F. E. Hardart - Fred Hurter - Fritz Leiber - Isaac Asimov - James Russell Gray - Joe Shuster - Mary Norton - Monna Sheller - Peter Hammerton - Reginald Bretnor - Roberta Gray - Roger Weddall - Rose Wyn - Stan Aschmeier - Walter I. Norcott - Wilfred P. Cockcroft
Convention series started or ended:
Asm Conventions - CAN*CON - Con - ConCert - ConCertino - Conjunction - Crackercon - DucKon - Dudcon - Maplecon - Masque - Musicon - OKon - Potlatch - Psurrealcon - RadCon - SerCon - Shoestringcon - Silvercon - Supercon - Syncon - TrinCon - X-Con
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Child's Garden of Olaf - Alouette - Astromancer Quarterly - Bath SF - Button Tack: The Rick Sneary Memorial Fanzine - Dog Factory - Doodlebug - Dunkiton Press - Elostirion - Exhystenialism - Faster Than Light Radio - First Contact - Further South on Peachtree - Gaijin - Horrorshow - ISFA Newsletter - Instant Zine - Jabberwocky - Klarn Rays - Let's Filk About - Life and Death in Haverfordwest - Na Mele O Na Hoku - Olaf Alternative - Ormolu - Paperback Parlour - Phantasmagoria - Pi in the Sky - Pirate Writings - Pong - Saijin - Science Fiction Age - scopus:3007 - Sercon Popcult Litcrit Fanmag - Sglodion - Shrdlu - Smurfic Instinct - SpinDizzy - TAFF-Door - Terror Australis - The Frozen Frog - The Philip K. Dick Society Newsletter - Vote Early and Vote Often - Whimsey - Wild Shaarkah - Wordsmiths
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
A. Bertram Chandler Award - Christmas at the End of the Universe - Conjunction - Conjunction 3 - Conquest '92 - Desmond Hall - DudCon 1 - Dudcon - Exhystenialism - Haldecon - Hongcon '92 - Roger Weddall - Syncon - Syncon '92 - Terror Australis - The Constantinople International Fannish Cookbook - The Contract - The Festival of the Imagination - Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation - Wordsmiths
A Child's Garden of Olaf - Angela Carter - ArmadaCon IV - Asm Conventions - Bath SF - ConCert - ConCert III - Conflict - Dog Factory - DraCon - Eric Bentcliffe - Fantasycon XVII - Fourplay - Gaijin - Hasticon - Horrorshow - Illumination - Inconsequential - Labyrinth of Shadows - Life and Death in Haverfordwest - Lucon IVy - Mary Norton - Masque - Masque I - Microcon 12 - Novacon 22 - Olaf Alternative - Ormolu - Paperback Parlour - Peter Hammerton - Phantasmagoria - Pi in the Sky - Picocon 10 - Protoplasm - Roberta Gray - Saijin - Scone - Sglodion - Shoestringcon - Tolkien Centenary Conference - Walter I. Norcott - Wilfred P. Cockcroft
Ad Astra 12 - Alouette - CAN*CON - CAN*CON '92 - Communicon 2 - Con*Cept '92 - Con-Version IX - FilKONtario 2 - Fred Hurter - I-Con 3 - Interfilk - Joe Shuster - Keycon 9 - Maplecon - Maplecon 13 - Noncon 15 - Rhinocon 2 - Sercon Popcult Litcrit Fanmag - The Frozen Frog - VCON 19.5 - Wilfcon 8
New Zealand:
1992 World Fantasy Convention - AggieCon XXIII - Alan E. Nourse - Allen Class - Arcana 22 - Arisia '92 - ArmadilloCon 14 - Astromancer Quarterly - Balticon 26 - Baycon '92 - Boskone 29 - Bubonicon 24 - Button Tack: The Rick Sneary Memorial Fanzine - CONduit 2 - Capricon 12 - ChambanaCon 22 - Chattacon XVII - Coastcon XV - Con - Con 7 - Con*Stellation XI - ConCertino - ConCertino 1992 - ConChord 8 - ConClave 17 - ConQuesT 23 - ConQuesT 24 - ConTact 10 - Concat 4 - Concave 13 - Confluence '92 - Congenial IV - Consonance 1992 - Context V - Contradiction 12 - CopperCon 12 - Corflu 9 - CorsairCon 3 - Costume-Con 10 - Crackercon - Crackercon 1992 - DC in 1992 - Darkover Grand Council '92 - DeepSouthCon 30 - DemiCon 3 - Desmond Hall - Disclave 36 - Discovery 1 - Ditto V - Doodlebug - Dreamcon 7 - DucKon - DucKon 1 - Dunkiton Press - Dwight V. Swain - Eclecticon 6 - Eleanor Cameron Award for Middle Grades - F. E. Hardart - Faster Than Light Radio - Fourth Street Fantasy 1992 - Fritz Leiber - Further South on Peachtree - Genericon VIII - Golden Duck Awards - Hardwired ConFusion - I-Con XI - ICFA 13 - ICON 17 - Impact 2 - InCon '92 - InConJunction XII - Interfilk - Isaac Asimov - Jabberwocky - James Russell Gray - Joe Shuster - Klarn Rays - Knightcon 4 - Kubla Khanterfeit - LepreCon 18 - Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man - LibertyCon 6 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 10 - Loscon 19 - Lunacon 35 - MASSFILC - MagiCon - Marcon 27 - Memphis Fantasy Con '92 - MidSouthCon 11 - Midwestcon 43 - MileHiCon 24 - Millennicon -9 - Minicon 27 - MisCon 7 - Monna Sheller - MosCon XIV - Musicon - Musicon 1 - NJAC 8 - Na Mele O Na Hoku - Necon XII - Necronomicon '92 - New York in '92 - Norwescon XV - Not Dundalk in '92 - OASIS 5 - OKon - OKon 15 - OVFF 8 - Orlando in '92 - Orlando in 1992 - Orlando in 2001 - OryCon 14 - Philcon 1992 - Phoenixcon 7 - Phrolicon 8 - Pirate Writings - Pong - Potlatch - Potlatch 1 - Psurrealcon - Psurrealcon '92 - Pulpcon 21 - RadCon - RadCon 1 - Readercon 5 - Reginald Bretnor - ReinCONation 2 - Rivercon XVII - Roc*Kon 16 - Rose Wyn - Rovacon 17 - Rustycon 9 - Sci-Con 14 - Science Fiction Age - scopus:3007 - SerCon - Sercon 6 - Shrdlu - Silicon '92 - Silvercon - Silvercon 1 - Smofcon 9 - Smurfic Instinct - SoonerCon 8 - SpinDizzy - Stan Aschmeier - StellarCon XVI - Supercon - Supercon 1 - TAFF-Door - The Philip K. Dick Society Newsletter - TusCon 19 - UpperSouthClave 22 - Valleycon 17 - Vikingcon 13 - Vote Early and Vote Often - Westercolt - Whimsey - Windycon XIX - WisCon 16 - Wordsmiths - X-Con - X-Con 16
Rest of the World:
1991 | 1992 | 1993 |