1979 FAAn Awards

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The 1979 FAAn Awards for work done in 1978 were administered by Mike Glicksohn. There were 64 nomination ballots cast and 99 final ballots. Mike Glicksohn and Leigh Edmonds were the US administrators; Ian Maule was the UK administrator. The date and location of the 1979 FAAn Awards presentation is currently unknown.

Best Single Issue[edit]

Best Fan Writer[edit]

Best Humorous Artist[edit]

Best Fan Editor[edit]

Best LoC Writer[edit]

Best Non-Humorous Artist[edit]

FAAn Awards committee nominees (elected in bold): Moshe Feder, Mike Glicksohn, Mike Glyer, Jeanne Gomoll, Dave Langford, Rob Jackson, Lee Pelton, Bruce Pelz.

1978 FAAn Awards 1980 1979
This is an award details page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it!