Robert Lichtman

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(August 27, 1942 -- July 6, 2022)

Robert Lichtman was editor of the fanzine Trap Door and Secretary-Treasurer of FAPA since 1986. He won TAFF in 1989. He was a member of the original Fan Awards Poll Committee and is a highly inactive member of LASFS (under the "death does not release you, even if you die" provision). Also a member in their time of GDA, LNF, SIC, and DWE.

Trap Door was nominated for the 1987 Best Fanzine Hugo and the 1992 Best Fanzine Hugo.

He was a member of the Young Science Fiction Reading Group. When he was a member of N3F, he wrote one of the club's early fandbooks, The Amateur Press Associations in Science-Fiction Fandom (1962), as by Bob Lichtman. He edited a collection of F. T. Laney's fan writing titled Ah! Sweet Laney!, a fanthology of writing from Quandry titled Some of the Best from Quandry, and a collection of Walt Willis's Fanorama columns (from Nebula, the British SF magazine) titled Fanorama. He edited Fanthology 92, Fanthology '93 and Fanthology 1994, which were published by others. He made Jack Speer's Up To Now (a history of fandom as of 1939) available as a PDF (on

He married Carol Carr (her second marriage).

Fanzines and Apazines:

He was a cast member (Rebel Lee) of The Musquite Kid Rides Again and has been on the committee of several Corflus. He joined LASFS in 1958 and served as an officer in the early 60s.

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Person 19422022
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