Norman G. Browne

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(???? – )

Norm Browne, a Canadian fan, started the Vancouver SF Club, and co-edited three issues of its clubzine, Hibited Happenings. He moved to Edmonton, where he published Vanations and then Damn, and co-edited Filler with Dean Grennell. In 1953, he was on the staff of the Philcon Reporter.

In 1953, Browne was one of the group of young fen who fomented 7th Fandom, attending HEcon and the subsequent Midwestcon 4 shenanigans. The following year, he shared the room where the door was busted at Midwestcon 5.

Fanzines and Apazines:

7th Fandomites at Midwestcon 4, 1953, from left: Norman G. Browne, Ian T. Macauley, David Ish, Karl Olsen, Jack Harness. Photo by Dean Grennell.

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