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(1) To Be Fannishly Busy[edit]

Crifanac, short for CRItical FAN ACtivity, means engaging in top-priority fan activity, with an element of harriedness, such as meeting your minimum activity requirements in an amateur press association at the last possible minute. Charles Burbee, who used it with self-satirical intent, coined it.

See also: Hyperfanac.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
(Crif-FAN-ac) Critical Fan Activity. Some pronounce it CRY-fan-ac, but the i should be short as in critical. This useta mean required activity in FAPA; later, fanac indulged in by fans to raise their relative standing in the top ten. Now it refers simply to any efforts or their results which may be expected to earn the author egoboo. This publication is crifanac; so is the time spent writing and publishing it.

from Fancyclopedia 2 Supplement ca. 1960: Some claim that it's pronounced CRIF-an-ac, including creator Burbee. Ackerman had this to say about it in Shangri-L'Affaires #31, on what would have been page 14 if there had been any page numbers: "Let us face it: Crifanac is the most important single neologism that 1946 is likely to produce. What egoboo was to fandom in '45, crifanac is to '46. Critical fan activity! How masterfully has Burbee amalgamated this dynamic phrase into a single, smashing vocable! Crifanac: the topriority expletitive that explains all, excuses all, enthuses all. The sensation of the season, the raison d'etre of the actifan. And may I be the first to point out the pointless observation that crifanac spelled backwards is canafirc?" Burbee says he coined this for tongue-in-cheek use, as if he ever coined words for other uses.

(2) A Fanzine by Ken Forman and Arnie Katz[edit]

A fanzine published by Ken Forman and Arnie Katz.

Issue Date Pages Notes
1 May 1998 8
2 June 1998 10
3 June 1998 10
4 July 1998 10
5 August 1998 10
6 August 1998 10
7 September 1998 10
8 October 1998 10
9 November 1998 10
10 December 1998 10
11 January 1999 10
12 March 1999 14 final issue

(3) A Fanzine by Doug Fratz and Louis Morra[edit]

A Fanzine published by Doug Fratz and Louis Morra in the late 60s and early 70s.

Issue Date Pages Notes
8 January 1970

(4) A Clubzine by Tom Reamy and Orville Mosher[edit]

The Clubzine of the Dallas Futurians Society edited by Tom Reamy and Orville Mosher. (They wrote the title "CriFanAc".)

Issue Date Pages Notes
5 June 1957 40
6 1958 40 final issue

(5) A Fanzine by James Shull[edit]

A fanzine published by James Shull.

Issue Date Pages Notes
12 1970 6

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