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(For others, see SFSFS (Disambiguation))

SFSFS (Pronounced "Sisyphus" [sis-uh-fuhs] — the Corinthian king in Greek mythology), the South Florida Science Fiction Society, began in 1985 and is still active as of 2021. Started by Joe Siclari, the club drew members from West Palm Beach to South Miami. The initial membership came from the group that put on Tropicon, the South Florida Science Fiction Convention that was first held in 1982. From 1985 onward, SFSFS sponsored Tropicon, a Regional convention. In 1988, SFSFS started The Travelling Fete, a movable, tropical Florida relaxacon. It published the SFSFS Shuttle as its clubzine, and published several issues of a club fanzine Solstice.

Early membership numbers:

Year Chairman -# Members
1985 Joe Siclari 65
1986 Joe Siclari 102
1987 Bill Wilson 92
1988 Carol Gibson 77
1989 Edie Stern 78
1990 Edie Stern 100
1991 Becky Peters 98
1992 Deborah O'Connor 97
1993 Fran Mullen 93
1994 Joe Siclari
1995 Joe Siclari

For nearly ten years before SFSFS there was the informal Coral Springs Science Fiction League, Social Drinking Society, and Traveling Fanvariety Show in Exile which had been led by Edie Stern and Joe Siclari. They are the group that started Tropicon, "The South Florida SF convention", in 1982 to compliment Florida Atlantic University's International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.

As both of these grew, local fans realized that South Florida fandom was large enough to serve as the basis for an active organization able to provide a more extensive program of activities. In 1986 SFSFS boasted of members SF fans from Homestead to Orlando.

SFSFS was established to allow South Florida fans to meet others with similar interests, to have an opportunity to gain from the knowledge of others, and to collectively get involved in activities that can expand their skills while exploring Science Fiction literature and other related areas.[1]

Photos at Fanac


  1. Source: The Chairman's Message from the SFSFS Directory, June 20, 1986.

Club 1985
This is a club page. Please extend it by adding information about when and where the club met, when and by whom it was founded, how long it was active, notable accomplishments, well-known members, clubzines, any conventions it ran, external links to the club's website, other club pages, etc.

When there's a floreat (Fl.), this indicates the time or times for which we have found evidence that the club existed. This is probably not going to represent the club's full lifetime, so please update it if you can!