S. T. F. Trends

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A fanzine published by Lynn Hickman. This started with #10 in January, 1953 because it was a continuation of TLMA (6 issues) and The Little Corpuscle (3 issues).

Issue Date Pages SAPS Mailing -Notes
10 January 1953 24 First issue!
11 February 1953 22
12 March 1953 20
13 April 1953 22
14 March 1954 40 27
15 June 1954 14 28 Dick Geis’s review in Psychotic 16: “A SAPS-zine, this, it features the cartooning genius of Plato Jones. The cover is especially apt both as a testimonial of his ability at cartooning and as a beautifully accurate depiction of a fannish state of mind: it shows a morose faned saying to himself, ‘Oh, gosh! Another issue to put out,’ while a twenty dollar bill is seen spiraling (get away, Moreen) its way upward from his pockets gone forever.
“The two outstanding features of the issue were an article by Joe Gibson describing the adventures possible to a fan who comes to New York and visits Sam Mines and the stf clubs in the area, and a very humorous re­port by Jim Harmon titled ‘The Midwestcon Caper.’”
16 September 1954 4 29
19 May 1955 14 32

Publication 1953
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