Philadelphia, PA

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is second only to New York City in importance in early fandom. PSFS, one of the oldest surviving sf clubs, was founded there in 1934 as a chapter of the SFL, and the First Convention was held in there in 1936.


1934 -PSFS founded
October 22, 1936 First Convention held
1937 Philadelphia SFL chapter renamed PSFS
October 16, 1938 Arguably the first Philcon held
August 30 to September 1, 1947 Philcon (Worldcon) held
1947 Prime Press founded
1952 Philadelphia in 1953 wins bid at Chicon II
September 5–7, 1953 Philcon II (Worldcon) held
1959 Philadelphia in 1960, an unsuccessful Worldcon bid
1974 Philadelphia in 1977 Worldcon bid collapses.
1984 Philadelphia in '86 Worldcon bid loses to Atlanta in '86 at LAcon II
1998 Philadelphia in 2001 Worldcon bid wins at BucConeer
August 30 to September 3, 2001 MilPhil (Worldcon) held
November 30-December 2, 2012 Smofcon 30 held

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