Rosemary Hickey

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(July 6, 1918 – April 26, 2001)

Bob Bloch and Rosemary Becker, July 1959. From SaFari 2.

Dr. Rosemary Hickey (née Becker), a Chifan, was Secretary of Chicon III, the 1962 Worldcon, and hosted, with her husband, Richard Hickey, the monthly meetings of the second Chicago Science Fiction Club at their home at 2020 N. Mohawk Street.

Following the Worldcon, they hosted Walt and Madeleine Willis during their travels.

She performed in “Beyond the Unknown” at Detention in 1959 and with CHIAC in its fannish plays at Pittcon in 1960.

In 1967, her change of address notice appeared in Skyrack indicating she lived at 2082 W. Estes. She was a member of FAPA and of OMPA.

In her mundane life, she was a podiatrist. She and Richard married in 1959, had two children, gafiated, moved to Texas, and divorced in 1977. Rosemary died in California.

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Person 19182001
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