Dear Friends (and Others!)
Dear Friends (and Others!) was the heading of a single-page one-shot fanzine or letter substitute by J. E. Rennison included as a rider with Futurian War Digest #26. Dated '14th January 1943', it is an angry announcement of gafiation.
Written in a mood between jest and earnest, by myself, and alter ego David Radcliffe. Dear Friends (and Others!), […] some time ago [I] decided that I was sick, tired and fed up with fandom, and science fiction in general (as are many of the true fans who have witnessed the incompetence and muddling which preceded the formation of the BFS among other matters). Then fans go and do it on me by voting for me l00% (those who managed to find the time to vote) for a member of the Advisory Board of the BFS.
Even though Rennison had sent in his resignation from the BFS in November (not mentioned here explicitly), the results of election held meanwhile apparently prompted him at least "to cut a stencil again … very last" to explain himself to fandom at large. Follows a list of magazines for sale left over 'having quit the very profitable "business" of mag. dealing' and then specific comments to some twenty fans, which may provide a useful overview of the British fanzine microcosm of 1940–2. The text ends
So Goodbye to you all, and bloody good riddance to many. Fandom learnt me a lot, and I would be a fool to deny it, but I feel my education is complete.
Dear Friends (and Others!) at (PDF)
Publication | 1943 |
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