Baltimore, MD

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The earliest organized fandom in Baltimore seems to have been the Baltimore chapter of the SFL in the mid 30s and this chapter survived the fall of the SFL and continued to meet into the 40s, and apparently was a casualty of the War.

The Baltimore Science Fiction Forum flourished in the mid-50s.

On January 3, 1963 BSFS was founded on the back of a Trailways bus by six people (Jack Chalker was one) returning from a meeting of WSFA. It began running Balticon in 1967 but the club died on October 12, 1968. The current BSFS was re-founded in 1974 and continues to the present.

Other fannish clubs, conventions, and organizations in the area include HOPSFA, Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc., BWAWA, BWSMOF, Darkovercon/Chessiecon, Conterpoint, and the Guilford Gafia. Tales from the White Hart was a long-time sf bookstore in the area. There have also been World Fantasy Conventions in the city.

Baltimore has launched a number of Worldcon bids, some of which have won. (See Baltiwash Worldcons for more detail.)

See also: Baltiwash.

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