Baltimore in '67

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A bid to host the 1967 Worldcon in Baltimore which was sponsored by BSFS. The committee was Jack Chalker (Chairman), Ron Bounds (Secretary), Mark Owings (Treasurer), at-large: Bill Osten and Enid Osten.

In the voting at Tricon it lost to New York in 1967 (which won and hosted Nycon III. The other bidders were Boston in '67 and Syracuse in '67. See 1967 Worldcon Site Selection.

The failure of the Baltimore in '67 bid led to the later, successful, DC in '74 bid. Jack Chalker covers this to some extent in Oh Yeah! #1

See also Baltiwash Worldcons

1967 Site Selection 1967
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.