2020 Worldcon Site Selection

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Site selection for the 2020 Worldcon was held at Worldcon 76 in San Jose in 2018. New Zealand in 2020 was selected to run CoNZealand in Wellington, NZ.

The New Zealand in 2020 bid received 643 votes of the 726 votes cast. There were no other official candidates; however, votes were received for the following:

Site Votes
New Zealand in 2020 643
Xmas in Boston 2020 22
Peggy Rae’s House 3
Xerps 3
Minneapolis in '73 2
Olive Country 2
Aotearoa in 2020 1
Bimin Zana, Wakanda 1
El Fabulosa Bungalow 1
Glug's Chalet 1
Grantville, WV 1
John Sapienza's Yard 1
Marsopolis 1
Minneapolis in '74 1
Slab City 1
Tonopah NV 1
None of the Above 8
Total With Preference 693
Needed to Elect (Majority) 347
No Preference 33
Total Votes Cast 726

Sadly, the Atlantis in 2020 hoax bid received no votes.

2019 Worldcon Site Selection 2021 2020
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.