1974 Worldcon Site Selection

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Site Selection for the 1974 Worldcon was conducted by L.A.con I, the 1972 Worldcon. The bidders were New York in '74, NYCon 4 Bid (yes, a second New York bid) and DC in '74. At the last minute, New York in '74 withdrew and DC in '74 was declared the unanimous winner and went on to run Discon II.

There was a Montreal in 74 bid which did not file and was not on the site selection ballot and an Alanticon in 1974 bid which was mooted, but does not seem to have ever coalesced.

There were 109 mail ballots, 147 at-con ballots for a total of 256 ballots. No voting breakdowns were released.

1973 Worldcon Site Selection 1975 1974
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.